WebBill Solutions and its partners offers a complete electronic property management and utility billing system to help you work more effectively and efficiently. This system is not only a computer application. Our system is a complete service by which we take the burden of hardware, software, and network maintenance away from your office so you can focus on the task of property management. Any computer with a connection to the internet is capable of using this system. And if you dont have that, we will take care of that as well. We do not distribute CDs with a program that you must install and then train yourself. Our staff will setup all the systems and data to begin using the property management system.

WebBill Solutions provides a real-time billing solution for multi-housing, commercial or municipality requirements. Our complete internet program offers real time billing ledgers, up to date residential account information, and a multitude of management reports. Residents have the ability to access their account information on-line and make payments via the internet.

WebBill Solutions and its partners offers complete property and utility management from installation to collection of bills, thus, eliminating community water and utility responsibilities. By partnering with WebBill Solutions for billing, collection, installations and service of your utilities, communities can reduce utility expenses and increase net operating income immediately, not to mention, increase property value.

WebBill Solutions includes a complete work order system to manage your community maintence program. Your staff and managers can access this information from any computer connected to the internet. No need to carry around papers and then update when you return to the office.

Regardless of the size or structure of your organization, WebBill Solutions empowers your select staff to receive the information that is pertinent to their position. This flexibility can accommodate your needs now, and for the future.

Commitment to People- Partnering in water conservation with communities, WebBill Solutions and its partners takes a proactive approach, educating residents on water conservation tips, providing leak detection, and working with owners and managers in conservation strategies. Our team’s focus is providing accurate information to the resident, owner and managers. Residents can access their own accounts on-line. Our staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide customer service to your staff.

Commitment to Quality- Our commitment to excellence guides our staff in their efforts. Customer Care is one of our core competencies and is an integral part of all operational functions. Our team belief is that everyone is responsible for exceptional results. WebBill Solutions’ customer retention rate ranks us a leader in the industry.

System Technology- WebBill Solutions and its partners offers a variety of metering systems based on the needs of the community. Every community’s need is different, and WebBill Solutions listens to which system will work best for you and the residents of the community.

Fixed Network Solution:
No meter readers walking the property
Ability to monitor thousands of meters.
Each meter is connected to a transmitter, converting the output in to a FCC licensed frequency.
The signal is received by a concentrator and reads the meters every four hours, with up to 90 days of read history.
The information can be remotely accessed via modem.
With this system you no longer have to worry about beginning and ending reads for move in or move out billing purposes.
The tamper-proof design allows constant monitoring of every meter to prevent against obtaining water illegally.

Our core principles propel us to stay ahead of the competition and meet the needs of our customers. As we move forward, WebBill Solutions will evolve to meet your next generation of business challenges, while continually helping you to improve your bottom line and stay ahead of your competition.

Copyright Webbill Solutions 2023